Sponsorship Packages 2025
As a sponsor for the Biotech Summit Austria 2025 (October 23–24, 2025), you can choose between the following packages. These packages can be customized according to your requirements. Sponsoring package prices are reduced for members of BIOTECH AUSTRIA (BTA) and Human.technology Styria (HTS).
The early bird discount is valid until 31/12/2024.
Package Basis
EUR 1.900,-*net for members of BTA and HTS
EUR 2.700,-* net for non-members
- 2 tickets for event & gala dinner included
- Logo presence on website (https://biotech-summit-austria.com/) and printouts
- Social Media presence
- Possibility to place giveaways in the registration bag
- Small Booth with 1 table, 2 chairs and sponsor-owned roll-up
Package Premium
EUR 4.900,-* net for members of BTA and HTS
PRICE: EUR 6.500,-* net for non-members
- 4 tickets for event & gala dinner included
- 5 minutes for you to present your company to the whole audience
- Logo presence on website (https://biotech-summit-austria.com/) and printouts
- Social Media presence
- Large Booth with 2 tables, 4 chairs and sponsor-owned roll-up
- Possibility to place promotional material + giveaways in the registration bag
- Display of materials at the gala dinner
Package Platinum
EUR 10.000,-* net for members of BTA and HTS
PRICE: EUR 15.000,-* net for non-members
- 6 tickets for event & gala dinner included
- 15 minutes for you to present your company to the whole audience
- Large Booth with 2 tables, 4 chairs and sponsor-owned roll-up
- Social media postings with logo as Platinum Sponsor
- Company profile on event website, naming Platinum Sponsor
- Mention as Platinum Sponsor in all advertising activities of the event (online & print)
- Break video on the conference screen naming company as Platinum Sponsor (video provided by platinum sponsor)
- Possibility to brand conference location and “Gala Dinner” evening event
- Exclusive Platinum Table at the Gala Dinner incl. Seating Preference from attendee list in advance
- Possibility to place promotional material + giveaways in the registration bag
- Other incentives and presentation options according to individual vote
Start-up corner
EUR 500,-* net for members of BTA and HTS
PRICE: EUR 1.000,-* net for non-members
- 1 ticket for event & gala dinner included
- 1 booth in Start-up corner
- Start-up pitch
*all prices excl. VAT
Christine Reith
+43 670 60 30 601
E-Mail: office@biotechaustria.org
Pascal Mülner
+43 699 188 99 701
E-Mail: pascal.muelner@human.technology.at
Download sponsorship application form